Saturday, March 21, 2015

coloring polyfil for felting

ok so i read on the Internet that polyester is very hard to dye and regular dyes and kool aid does not work but that fabric crayons were the right kind of dye and work on polyester fabrics. I had some fabric pastels i think they are softer than fabric crayons. they way fabric crayons work is that you draw a design on a piece of paper and iron it on to the fabric. with the pastels you probably draw on the fabric then iron to make it permanent . I tried drawing on paper and ironing it on it did not work  probably because of being pastels it just absorbed into the paper I tried drawing on wax paper instead thinking it would not soak in but it did not work well either. so I tried rubbing it directly on the polyfil it seemed to work but was really messy and I thought it might stain my hands so I used a knife to put shavings in the poly fill and then apply the iron with wax paper in between, ti worked but i had to keep puling and mixing in white with the orange a few pieces got really dark and stiff so I don't thing this was the best idea. just rubbing it around on the heated poly fill mixing it by pulling and re-ironing seemed to do ok. you can see the results below. I was surprised that even though my fingers turned orange it washed off with water it seems the heat is the key to setting it. Of course the soapy water turned colors so it made me wonder if that would be a way to get the dye to spread more evenly.
If i do mix it with soap and water I will probably microwave the polyfil to set it as I am not sure how to iron it if it was wet. more experiments to come.

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